Canon PJ55X9BIE IESA-SB Box Lens with Controls and Sled- USED

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  • 2 Servo Modules
  • 1 Servo Zoom Demand
  • 1 Servo Cable
  • 1 Manual Module
  • 1 Manual Focus Handle
  • 1 Focus Cable
  • 1 Sled w/ cable
  • Case
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Highlights of the J55x9B Super

  • SD broadcast field box lens for 2/3″ cameras
  • Wide focal length from 9 to 500 mm (with 2x extender)
  • 55x zoom ratio
  • Maximum aperture of F1.6 from 9 to 202mm and F5.6 at 1000mm with the 2x extender
  • Minimum object distance of 2.2m
Zoom Ratio 55x
Built-in Extender 2.0x (1.5x:option)
Range of Focal Length
(with Extender)
18~1000mm (2.0x)
Maximum Relative Aperture
(with extender)
1:1.4 at 9~202mm
1:2.8 at 500mm
1:2.8 at 18~404mm (2.0x)
1:5.6 at 1000mm (2.0x)
Angular field of view
(with Extender)
4:3 Aspect Ratio
(8.8 x 6.6mm)
52.1° x 40.3° at 9mm
1.0° x 0.76° at 500mm
27.5° x 20.8° at 18mm (2.0x)
0.5° x 0.38° at 1000mm (2.0x)
16:9 Aspect Ratio
(9.6 x 5.4mm)
56.1° x 33.4° at 9mm
1.10° x 0.62° at 500mm
29.9° x 17.1° at 18mm (2.0x)
0.55° x 0.31° at 1000mm (2.0x)
Minimum Object Distance (M.O.D.) 2.2m (0.5m with Macro) from front lens vertex
Object Dimensions at M.O.D.
(with Extender)
4:3 Aspect Ratio
(8.8 x 6.6mm)
189.3 x 142.0cm at 9mm
3.4 x 2.6cm at 500mm
94.7 x 71.0cm at 18mm (2.0x)
1.7 x 1.3cm at 1000mm (2.0x)
16:9 Aspect Ratio
(9.6 x 5.4mm)
205.7 x 115.7cm at 9mm
3.7 x 2.1cm at 500mm
102.9 x 57.9cm at 18mm (2.0x)
1.9 x 1.1cm at 1000mm (2.0x)
Macro Yes
Size (W x H x L) 241 x 259 x 536mm
Weight 18.0kg (39.7lbs)